Chocolate nests and ice-cream eggs!


Created by Priya Renoo Designs

Cornflakes 200grams
2x bowls
Milk chocolate 400grams
1x saucepan
1x wooden spoon

1x medium sized spoon

1x chopping board

1x sharp knife

1x muffin tray

18x paper cupcake cases

Baking beans
Chocolate basket.

·    Place a small saucepan onto a hot stove and fill it up 1/4 full of water

·    Measure 200grams of Kellogg’s cornflakes into a bowl.

·    Measure 400grams of milk chocolate (or any type) and then chop up it into small pieces with a sharp knife.

·    Place the chocolate into a glass bowl and then place the bowl on top of the saucepan. (Make sure that the water does not touch the bottom of the bowl.

·    Occasionally stir the chocolate until it forms a smooth sauce texture.

·    Once the chocolate is completely melted, remove the bowl and the saucepan off the heat and place it onto a folded tea towel.

·    Gradually add the cornflakes into the bowl and mix them together with a wooden spoon. 
Tilt the bowl at an angle to help mix it easier.

·    Use a metal spoon to scoop the mixture into each muffin section.

·    Once the section has been filled to the top, place one paper cupcake cake on top and push down hard until you have created a dip inside. This will be the inside of the nest.

·    To help keep the shape, place baking beans inside to weigh the case down. If you do not have baking beans, regular dry beans will work fine

·    Once this is done, place your tray into a fridge for a minimum of 3 hours.

·    If you have any of the mixture left, place that into cupcake cases and then put them into the fridge for the same amount of time.

·    After three hours, remove the muffin tray from the fridge and place it onto a flat surface.

·    Remove the beans from each case.
·    Using both hands, gently pull the case away from the nest.

·    Using a flat knife, push it into the side of the nest and then push the knife to an angle slowly until the nest pops out.
·    Place them onto a plate.

Ice cream eggs.

·    Tip: Fill a glass with hot water. Dip your ice cream scooper into the glass for 10 seconds to help warm the metal. The heated scooper will help cut the ice cream out of the tub much more easier.

·    Scoop one scoop of vanilla ice cream (white ice-cream to represent eggs) and then place it into one chocolate nest. Repeat for the rest of the nests.

Now enjoy your Easter nests!

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